
Thursday, September 6, 2018


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Wasia wa Baba na Funzo Kubwa.
Kuna bwana mmoja muumini aliyekua na hekima na busara, Mola alimjaalia utajiri mkubwa na alikua akiishi na watu vizuri. Kila mtu alikua akimtaja kwa wema na ukarimu. Alipofika umri wa utu uzima alianza kuandamwa na maradhi yasiyokwisha na hatimae akawa anadhoofu siku hadi siku, Hekima yake ilimtuma awaite watoto wake na kuanza kuwausia juu ya maisha gani waishi baada yake.
Aliwausia kila mmoja peke yake na kuwaweka wazi kuwa anaona kama anakaribia kufika mwisho wa maisha yake, Kila siku kaburi linazidi kumsogelea na umri unakatika huku maradhi yakimzidia. Watoto wake walihuzunika sana wakakosa amani. 
Baba aliwataka wanawe wote waondoke na abaki na mtoto mmoja mkubwa, Walipotoka wote alimwambia mwanangu inama kidogo nikupe wasia wangu, Mtoto aliinama akisikiliza kwa makini sauti ya baba yake iliyokua ikisisikika kwa chini na yenye mkwaruzo kwa kuzidiwa na maradhi, Baba akasema: “Mwanangu wasia wangu kwako ni usimamie mazishi yangu, Watakapo nikosha kabla ya kunivika sanda chukua soksi yangu yeyote ya zamani univishe katika mguu wangu wa kushoto”.
Baada ya muda baba aliaga dunia na vilio vikatawala.
Watu walijaa kuja kutoa pole familia na kuanza taratibu za maziko, familia ilimteua mmoja wa maimamu awe kiongozi katika kuosha maiti na kutengeneza sanda, Walipomaliza kuosha kijana alikumbuka wasia wa baba yake, akaenda kuchukua soksi ili aipeleke kabla sanda haijafungwa, akamwambia Imamu samahani baba aliusia avalishwe soksi moja kabla hajatiwa sandani baada ya kukoshwa.. Imam kwa mshtuko alimjibu kijana kwa upole kuwa haiwezekani japo wasia wa marehemu unahifadhiwa, huyu hapaswi kuvishwa chochote zaidi ya sada, kijana machozi yakimmwagika aliendelea kuhimiza wasia wa baba yake na kukatokea mzozo, wanasema avalishwe wengine asivalishwe. Imam akasema wamtafute Sheikh mtaalamu wa sheria za dini ilia toe maelekezo, Sheikh alitafutwa na kuletwa msibani akawatuliza vijana na kuwaeleza kuwa wasia wa marehemu huwa unafatwa lakini si kila mahala, Marehemu hawezi valishwa soksi kwa kuwa si sehemu ya sanda.
Kuna mzee jirani yao alisimama na kumfata Kijana wa marehemu, akamwambia Baba yako alinipa barua nikupe kabla ya mazishi, Kijana akaipokea huku anatetemeka akaifungua na barua yenyewe ilikua inasomeka hivi:
“Mwanagu umeshuhudia mzozo ulipotaka kukamilisha wasia wangu, hawakukuruhusu kunivisha japo soksi moja tu tena ya zamani, Nimekuachieni mali nyingi na sasa ni za kwenu tambueni kuwa siku mtakapoondoka duniani hamtavishwa hata soksi na wala hamtoondoka na mali yeyote zaidi ya sanda zenu, hivyo mcheni mola wenu na tumieni mali hizo katika njia inayomridhisha yeye”.
Hili ni somo kubwa sana, Tujitahidi kuwa wema na kujiondoa kwenye gereza la umimi, ubinafsi na tuishi na watu vizuri, Mali zetu sii kitu bali ubinadamuwetu ndio wenye thamani kuliko mali zenyewe.


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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Windows Keyboard Shortcuts
 Tip: Windows Keyboard Shortcuts
Dec 29, 2016

The following list of keyboard shortcuts will allow you to use your Windows pc without touching your mouse.

Windows system key combinations

F1: Help
CTRL+ESC: Open Start menu
ALT+TAB: Switch between open programs
ALT+F4: Quit program
SHIFT+DELETE: Delete item permanently
Windows Logo+L: Lock the computer (without using CTRL+ALT+DELETE)

Windows program key combinations

CTRL+C: Copy
CTRL+V: Paste
CTRL+Z: Undo
CTRL+B: Bold
CTRL+U: Underline
CTRL+I: Italic

Mouse click/keyboard modifier combinations for shell objects

SHIFT+right click: Displays a shortcut menu containing alternative commands
SHIFT+double click: Runs the alternate default command (the second item on the menu)
ALT+double click: Displays properties
SHIFT+DELETE: Deletes an item immediately without placing it in the Recycle Bin

General keyboard-only commands

F1: Starts Windows Help
F10: Activates menu bar options
SHIFT+F10 Opens a shortcut menu for the selected item (this is the same as right-clicking an object
CTRL+ESC: Opens the Start menu (use the ARROW keys to select an item)
CTRL+ESC or ESC: Selects the Start button (press TAB to select the taskbar, or press SHIFT+F10 for a context menu)
CTRL+SHIFT+ESC: Opens Windows Task Manager
ALT+DOWN ARROW: Opens a drop-down list box
ALT+TAB: Switch to another running program (hold down the ALT key and then press the TAB key to view the task-switching window)
SHIFT: Press and hold down the SHIFT key while you insert a CD-ROM to bypass the automatic-run feature
ALT+SPACE: Displays the main window’s System menu (from the System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the window)
ALT+- (ALT+hyphen): Displays the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) child window’s System menu (from the MDI child window’s System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the child window)
CTRL+TAB: Switch to the next child window of a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) program
ALT+underlined letter in menu: Opens the menu
ALT+F4: Closes the current window
CTRL+F4: Closes the current Multiple Document Interface (MDI) window
ALT+F6: Switch between multiple windows in the same program (for example, when the Notepad Find dialog box is displayed, ALT+F6 switches between the Find dialog box and the main Notepad window)

To copy a file

Press and hold down the CTRL key while you drag the file to another folder.

To create a shortcut

Press and hold down CTRL+SHIFT while you drag a file to the desktop or a folder.

General folder/shortcut control

F4: Selects the Go To A Different Folder box and moves down the entries in the box (if the toolbar is active in Windows Explorer)
F5: Refreshes the current window.
F6: Moves among panes in Windows Explorer
CTRL+G: Opens the Go To Folder tool (in Windows 95 Windows Explorer only)
CTRL+Z: Undo the last command
CTRL+A: Select all the items in the current window
BACKSPACE: Switch to the parent folder
SHIFT+click+Close button: For folders, close the current folder plus all parent folders

Properties control

CTRL+TAB/CTRL+SHIFT+TAB: Move through the property tabs


Microsoft – KB126449e on Updated: Yahoo Breach Announcement Confirmed

Thursday, January 22, 2015

5 Common Kissing Mistakes


           5 Common Kissing Mistakes

5 Common Kissing Mistakes

Kissing someone is not rocket science, rather it’s the art of caressing someone you love. But while kissing we can often unknowingly make mistakes that can be a disaster. Stop wondering why he/she does not like it when you kiss, here is a list of 5 common kissing mistakes to help you out:
Bad Breath
This is a big turn-off for almost everyone and probably the most basic blunder. Chances are good you might never kiss the same person again! Do something to fix it! Drink plenty of water every day to keep you hydrated and rinse away food odors. The fastest remedies are mint mouthwash, gum, or breath fresheners. Avoid drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, or eating fish/onions before your date or when you plan to romance your partner. Hygiene is important and you should maintain it. If you have rotten teeth fix them by seeing your dentist. Brushing your teeth is not enough, floss also, and don’t forget to brush your tongue. Make sure your mouth is clean before you kiss.
5 Common Kissing Mistakes
Fast and Furious 
Usually women like to kiss slowly with seductive movements. Don’t go too fast or push your partner so hard that it hurts. Being too aggressive will spoil the moment. Pay attention to the response from your partner when you kiss them and proceed accordingly. If your girl/guy is consistently resistive, slow down and back off a little. Each seduction has its own pace and you should act accordingly.
Involving tongue
This is something which requires your own judgment. At first you should kiss just using your lips without tongue. Tongue should enter the picture naturally, don’t force it. Don’t put your tongue into their mouth all at once, let it go slowly. See the reaction first then proceed. If you are going to French kiss take your tongue back every once in a while and let your partner crave and chase it.
All wetThis can be a little creepy. Don’t get carried away and put your saliva on your partner’s face, nobody likes it, it can ruin the experience and embarrass you later. Control your tongue and saliva, the trick is to swallow it.
Hands involvement
The movement of your hands matters. Not using hands while kissing is missing out on half the pleasure. Use your hands in the right place, don’t get too pushy, but caress the face and head, the neck a little, then move on to other pleasure zones. Seduce your partner gradually. Sometimes let your partner lead and you just enjoy. One more thing, don’t keep your eyes open while you kiss. Tilt your head to the right and kiss naturally. Don’t get nervous or stop breathing. This will make you look odd.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Top 12 Super Healing Foods

The everyday foods you eat can help to keep you healthy and prevent or treat some common medical problems as well.

1. Honey

Nutrients: The B vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
Good for: Sore throats, coughs, and cold, healing wounds, and hay fever

2. Ginger

Nutrients: Vitamins A and B2 (riboflavin) iron, phosphorus and potassium
Good for: Nausea, food poisoning, motion sickness, vertigo, respiratory ailments, menstrual pain, lowering blood cholesterol

3. Garlic

Nutrients: the B vitamins, vitamins A and C, calcium, potassium, iron, and selenium
Good for: Fighting infections, relieving colds, bronchitis, congestion, fungal infections, protecting against food poisoning, lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure, asthma, diarrhea, and indigestion.
4. Carrots
Nutrients: The B vitamins, vitamins A (beta-carotene) and C, iron, and fiber
Good for: Eye health, healthy skin, gum disease, asthma and respiratory problems, protecting against cancer.

5. Watercress

Nutrients: Vitamins A and C, folic acid, calcium, iron, potassium, and lutein
Good for: protecting against cancer; urinary infections, and good eye health reducing risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

6. Avocados

Nutrients: Vitamins B2 and E and fiber
Good for: healthy skin and treating skin problems, fighting stress, good digestion, boosting immune system, and lowering cholesterol levels

Top 12 Super Healing Foods

7. Bananas

Nutrients: vitamin B6, potassium, zinc, and fiber
Good for: digestive ailments, constipation, diarrhea, convalescing after illness, relieving muscular cramping.

8. Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, flaxseeds)

Nutrients: Vitamin E and zinc
Good for: healthy nervous system, good digestion, reducing risk of dementia, and enhancing memory and thinking skills.

9. Nuts

Nutrients: protein, the B vitamins, vitamin E, zinc, selenium, magnesium, iron, healthy oils, and folic acid
Good for: healthy nervous system, easing fatigue and stress, lowering cholesterol, preventing memory loss.

10. Oats

Nutrients: protein, vitamins B6 and E, magnesium and fiber.
Good for: treating constipation, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, protecting against colon cancer.

11. Yogurt with live cultures

Nutrients: protein, vitamins A and D, calcium
Good for: stomach ailments, food poisoning, constipation, fighting fungal infections, boosting the immune system.

12. Oily fish

Nutrients: protein, vitamins A, B12, and D, omega-3 fatty acids, iodine
Good for: a healthy heart and preventing heart disease, healthy nervous system, protecting against memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease.

Benefits of Drinking Water on an Empty Stomach

Hydration is super important for several reasons, first your body is composed of about 60% water, fluids exit our bodies every minute, from skin evaporation, breathing and urine, and these losses must be replaced daily for good health.

Good benefits of drinking water in the morning:
1. Drinking water on an empty stomach cleans the colon, making it easier to absorb nutrients.
2. Creates the production of new blood and muscle cells.
3. Essential for weight loss, drinking cold water first thing in the morning can accelerate your metabolism.
4.Healthy looking Skin, water helps to eliminate toxins from the blood making your skin glow and look clear and smooth.
5. Balances your Lymph System. These glands help you perform your daily functions, balance your body fluids, and fight infection.


There is a new trend coming from Japan this days, Japanese drink hot tea with their meals and use a treatment method that has no side effects and it consists on drinking water at certain times with certain amounts along the day starting first thing in the morning, at the start of the treatment frequent urination is normal, it had been found successful by a Japanese medical society as a 100% cure for many diseases and illnesses such as:
Headache, body ache, heart system, arthritis, fast heart beat, epilepsy, excess fatness, bronchitis asthma, TB, meningitis, kidney and urine diseases, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, piles, diabetes, constipation, all eye diseases, womb, cancer and menstrual disorders, ear nose and throat diseases.
Benefits of Drinking Water on an Empty Stomach

Drinking cold water:

-Side effects of drinking cold water with a meal: all the oils in the food you are consuming will solidify meaning it will not only slow the digestion process but then it will react with the acid breaking down and the intestine will absorb the food faster, turning into fat, opt for drinking hot soup or warm water after a meal instead.


1. In the morning before brushing teeth, drink 4 x 160ml glasses of water
2. Brush and clean the mouth but do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes
3. After 45 minutes you may eat and drink as normal.
4. After 15 minutes of breakfast, lunch and dinner, do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours
5. For older and sick people taking the treatment: drink little water and gradually increase it to 4 glasses per day
6. The above method of treatment will cure diseases of the sick too
The following list gives the number of days of you should follow the process to treat this diseases:
1. High Blood Pressure (30 days)
2. Gastric (10 days)
3. Diabetes (30 days)
4. Constipation (10 days)
5. TB (90 days)

Monday, July 22, 2013

Moyes reveals second Manchester United bid for Fabregas

Moyes reveals second Manchester United bid for Fabregas

The manager revealed United have made a second bid for the Spain international after their first bid was met with an insistence that the former Arsenal playmaker was not for sale

David Moyes has revealed that Manchester United have made a second bid for Barcelona midfielder Cesc Fabregas.

Last week United revealed an opening offer for the playmaker of €30 million had been made to Barca on Monday. However, Barca vice president Josep Maria Bartomeu insisted on Friday that the 26-year-old is not for sale.

The latest offer is reported to consist of €35m plus add-ons, while the former Arsenal midfielder is contracted to the Blaugrana until 2016.

The United manager told the club's official website: "My understanding is that Ed [Woodward, United's executive vice chairman] had a response and he spoke with them. I think we made a second offer but Ed is dealing with that personally, rather than me."

"When you're interested in good players you want to give it every opportunity to materialise and I'll do that.

"I hope things can continue and move forward. At this moment in time I can only tell you that Ed Woodward is working hard trying to make the deals happen.

"We can only hope that some of them fall into place shortly."

Long-serving midfielder Paul Scholes retired at the end of last season, and the Red Devils' options in the middle of the park going into the new season were further depleted following the news that Darren Fletcher will miss the start of the season as he recovers from surgery.

The Red Devils had previously targeted Spain's under-21 European Championship winning  Thiago Alcantara, but the 22-year-old opted to join former Blaugrana manager Pep Guardiola at Bayern Munich, while the former Everton manager has also been linked with a move for the Toffees' Marouane Fellaini.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I'm not scared of Mourinho: Yaya Toure

Yaya Toure: I'm not scared of Mourinho

The Ivory Coast midfielder is relishing the prospect of coming up against Chelsea and has admitted he is aiming to get in shape ahead of the 2013-14 Premier League campaign

Manchester City midfielder Yaya Toure insists he is not scared of Jose Mourinho, and is looking forward to coming up against the new Chelsea manager.

Mourinho left Real Madrid under a cloud to take over at Stamford Bridge in June, and the Blues have been installed as the bookmakers' favourites to lift the Premier League title next season.

But Toure is not fazed by the Portuguese's return to English football and is relishing the challenge of battling with the former Porto coach.
"I am not scared of him," he told Goal. "In fact, I look forward to playing against him. That is how football is. You need to be brave and take all the challenges that come."

The 30-year-old hopes that City will be able to bounce back from a disappointing campaign under the guidance of new manager Manuel Pellegrini, and admitted that he will have to be at the top of his game.

"Looking at our preparations and with the new manager on board, I am confident that things will be better [next season]," he added. "There are a lot of signings that the club has made and I am sure that will have a positive impact on the side.

"With that in mind, I need to up my game and make sure that I am at my peak at all times. I am also hoping that I will stay injury free for the whole season so that I will be able to deliver."

Pellegrini's side got their pre-season tour of South Africa off to a losing start against Supersport United on Sunday, and Toure admits it has been a difficult start to the summer.

"I must be honest, things have been tough here, but we have been working very hard to bounce back," he continued. "Every time the season starts I always want to win something, either with the club or as an individual.

"We were a bit disappointed losing to Supersport United, but it was just part of pre-season training. The game against AmaZulu [on Thursday] is not going to be easy, and we are hoping that it will add value and challenge us."

Lewandowski: Dortmund are forcing me to stay

Lewandowski: Dortmund are forcing me to stay

The Poland international, who had expected to be allowed to join Bayern Munich this year, believes BVB have went back on their word as the summer saga continues

Robert Lewandowski says he is "astonished" at how he has been treated at Borussia Dortmund.

Lewandowski, 24, believes he had been given assurances that he would be able to exit BVB in this transfer window, with Bayern Munich a likely destination.

But he is adamant the club have reneged on a deal which would have seen the Poland international leave Signal Iduna Park this summer.

"In the second half of the season, I gave everything for Dortmund, as always. I played and scored, knowing that I would be allowed to leave," Lewandowski told Bild Sport.

"I was certain I would be given the green light for a transfer.

"Now all of the sudden everything is different. Unfortunately, I'm forced to stay. I'm astonished at how they're treating me.

"I have to accept that I have to stay in Dortmund."

Lewandowski is set to remain at Signal Iduna Park and run down the rest of his contract which ends in June 2014.

The former Lech Poznan striker started life slowly at Westfalenstadion, but over the past two seasons has emerged as one of Europe’s leading attackers, epitomised by the four goals he scored in a memorable night against Real Madrid in the Champions League semi-final.

The Pole has scored 75 goals in 136 appearances for last season’s Champions League runners-up.

Nelson Mandela spends 95th birthday in hospital


Children in Johannesburg celebrate Nelson Mandela's birthday in song

 Nelson Mandela is spending his 95th birthday in hospital in Pretoria, as events take place around the world and in South Africa in his honour.



South Africans are being urged to mark the former president and anti-apartheid leader's 67 years of public service with 67 minutes of charitable acts.
Mr Mandela, who is in critical but stable condition with a recurring lung infection, entered hospital on 8 June.
President Jacob Zuma said his health was "steadily improving".
"We are proud to call this international icon our own as South Africans and wish him good health," said Mr Zuma in a statement.
"We thank all our people for supporting Madiba throughout the hospitalisation with undying love and compassion," he said, referring to Mr Mandela by his clan name.

Well-wishers write messages of support outside the hospital where Nelson Mandela is being treated in Pretoria, South Africa, 17 July 2013
A woman stands in front of posters and get-well messages outside the hospital where Mr Mandela is being treated in Pretoria, South Africa, 18 July 2013 
A huge banner of Nelson Mandela hangs over the Hindu Tamil Institute in Durban on 17 July 2013

Mr Mandela's daughter, Zindzi, said on Wednesday he had made "dramatic progress", and that she had found him watching television with headphones on and communicating with his eyes and hands when she visited him this week.
"I should think he will be going home anytime soon,'' she told the UK's Sky News television.
Mr Mandela's birthday is also Nelson Mandela International Day, a day declared by the UN as a way to recognise the Nobel Prize winner's contribution to reconciliation.
The former statesman is revered across the world for his role in ending apartheid in South Africa. He went on to become the first black president in the country's first multi-racial elections in 1994.
The governing African National Congress (ANC) said that on this Mandela Day homage was being paid to 95 years of "life well-lived", dedicated to the liberation of South Africans and people all over the world.
Activities throughout the day included:
  • School-children across the country singing a synchronised Happy Birthday to the former president
  • Mandela family members handing out gifts to Mamelodi township residents before holding a birthday lunch with Nelson Mandela. They have prepared 95 cupcakes in his honour
  • President Zuma visiting Mr Mandela in hospital and overseeing the donation of houses to poor white families in the Pretoria area
  • Volunteers spending 67 minutes each renovating schools and orphanages, cleaning hospitals and distributing food to the poor to mark the former statesman's 67 years as a lawyer, activist, prisoner and president
  • Mr Mandela becoming the first recipient of South Africa's new Smart ID Card, introduced on Thursday. His card will be collected on his behalf by his daughter Zindzi
  • The forming of a human chain from Johannesburg's Fashion District into the heart of the city
Events are also taking place internationally, with an image of a large Mandela painting by South African artist Paul Blomkamp featured in New York's Times Square.
British entrepreneur Richard Branson, speaking in a recorded message, has pledged 67 minutes of community service on Thursday to "make the world a better place, one small step at a time".
Meanwhile, concerts are planned later this week in the Australian city of Melbourne, featuring local and African artists.

Mr Mandela's ill-health gives extra poignancy to this year's Mandela Day, correspondents say.
For South Africans, the best birthday present for Mandela would be for him to recover and be among the people who love him most, says the BBC's Pumza Fihlani in Johannesburg.
Winnie Madikizela-Mandela told a local radio station her former husband's 95th birthday was "a gift not only to the family... but to the nation".
She rejected the "prophets of doom" who have warned of chaos in South Africa when Nelson Mandela dies.
"The country will solidify and come together," she told Radio 702.
Mr Mandela's third wife, Graca Machel, said last Friday that she was "less anxious" about his health than before and that he was continuing to respond well to treatment.
Thursday also is the 15th anniversary of the couple's marriage.
Ahead of the anniversary, Mr Mandela's close friend and lawyer George Bizos described them as "a loving couple", the AFP news agency reports.

Mandela's key dates

  • 1918 - Born in the Eastern Cape
  • 1944 - Joined African National Congress
  • 1956 - Charged with high treason, but charges dropped
  • 1962 - Arrested, convicted of sabotage, sentenced to five years in prison
  • 1964 - Charged again, sentenced to life
  • 1990 - Freed from prison
  • 1993 - Wins Nobel Peace Prize
  • 1994 - Elected first black president
  • 1999 - Steps down as leader
  • 2001 - Diagnosed with prostate cancer
  • 2004 - Retires from public life
  • 2005 - Announces his son has died of an HIV/Aids-related illness
  • 2007 - Forms The Elders group
  • 2010 - Appears at closing ceremony of World Cup

Monday, July 15, 2013

Cesc Fabregas Kurudi Uingereza?

Kwa Mujibu wa Sky Sport News,Manchester United Imeweka Mezani ofa ya Pauni Milioni 25 ili kumrudisha Cesc Fabregas Uingereza.

Kiungo huyo wa Barcelona mara nyingi Alirudia kusema kuwa anahitaji kupumzika katika klabu yake hiyo ya Nyumbani.

Huu ni mwaka wake wa  pili tangu arudi Katarunya akitokea Arsenal.

Ofa ya Manchester United inaweza ikawa ni ya chini  ukilinganisha thamani ya timu ya Barcelona ndani ya Timu ya Taifa ya Hispania

Manchester United wapo katika harakati za kupata kiungo mbunifu ili kuziba pengo la Paul Scholes ambaye alistaafu mwishoni mwa msimu uliokwisha,na inaonekana Cesc Fabregas anafaa kuziba pengo hilo.

Kama Manchester United itafanikiwa kumnasa kiungo huyo,atakuwa ni kapteni wa pili kutokea Arsenal na kujiunga Manchester United baada ya Robin Van Persie.

Spurs squad for Barclays Asia Trophy

Monday 15 July 2013

Bale leads Spurs squad for Barclays Asia Trophy

Triple footballer of the year in 25-man squad named by Andre Villas-Boas for Hong Kong

The Tottenham Hotspur squad for the Barclays Asia Trophy in Hong Kong has been announced with triple Footballer of the Year Gareth Bale leading the way for Andre Villas-Boas’s team.
Spurs will kick off the competition, the only Premier League-affiliated competition to be held outside England, when they take on Sunderland in Hong Kong Stadium on 24 July at 6pm local time (11am BST).
They will be hoping to repeat their victory over Paolo Di Canio’s team on the final match of the 2012/13 Barclays Premier League season, when Bale’s 90th-minute wonderstrike sealed an intriguing match at White Hart Lane. (To see the goal click here)
"The Barclays Asia Trophy lets you step up a level in terms of opposition"
Andre Villas-Boas
Bale, who won the FWA and Barclays Footballer of the Year awards as well as winning the equivalent PFA accolade, is part of a 25-man squad that includes the team who beat Sunderland as well as the return of Sandro, the Brazilian midfielder who missed most of last season through injury. Also in the squad is Danny Rose, the left back, who is set to face his former team-mates in Hong Kong, having starred at Sunderland on loan last season.
Another player Spurs fans will welcome back is France defender Younes Kaboul, who missed much of last season through injury. Spurs’ only signing so far this summer, Paulinho, will not travel to Hong Kong. The midfielder has given extra time to rest having helped Brazil win the FIFA Confederations Cup at the end of last month.
But there will be a host of internationals on display for fans in Hong Kong to see as Villas-Boas looks to build on last season’s record points total of 72 points. All but five players in the squad have appeared for their country at international level.
Villas-Boas views the tournament as ideal participation for the season ahead.
“It is extremely important for us for our preparation,” the Spurs head coach said. “The Barclays Asia Trophy lets you step up a level in terms of opposition because of the other teams that are involved in it and gives us the opportunity to go abroad and continue our preparation in good facilities and in a comparative environment like the one we are going to face over there.
“The most important thing is for you to set up quickly and ready, always raising the competitive levels of the opposition that you are going to face, and the Barclays Asia Trophy offers exactly that.”
After facing Sunderland, Spurs will take on Manchester City or South China in Hong Kong Stadium on 27 July.

Tottenham Hotspur squad for the Barclays Asia Trophy 2013

Hugo Lloris, Brad Friedel, Heurelho Gomes.
Kyle Walker, Kyle Naughton, Benoit Assou-Ekotto, Jan Vertonghen, Michael Dawson, Steven Caulker, Younes Kaboul, Daniel Rose.
Aaron Lennon, Andros Townsend, Gareth Bale, Tom Huddlestone, Mousa Dembele, Sandro Cordeiro, Scott Parker, Jake Livermore, Tom Carroll, Gylfi Sigurdsson, Lewis Holtby.
Clint Dempsey, Jermain Defoe, Emmanuel Adebayor.

De Rossi to stay

The Roma boss is determined to keep the Italy international at the Stadio Olimpico, despite frequent rumours of a move to the Premier League
Roma boss Rudi Garcia has insisted he wants to keep Daniele De Rossi at the Stadio Olimpico, despite interest from Chelsea.

The Giallorossi midfielder endured a difficult 2012-13 campaign, with former coach Zdenek Zeman falling out with the player, leading to his exclusion from the first XI.

However, the Frenchman, who moved to the Italian capital from Lille in June, is eager to ensure the 29-year-old stays put.

"He is a great player and surely it's better to have him with us than to see him leave," he told reporters.

Both Pablo Osvaldo and Mourinhos have been linked with moves away from the Olimpico this summer, with the latter attracting attention from Barcelona, but Garcia says there is no update on their futures.

"He added: They are still with us, we would like to keep the best players. But if they were to leave, we will replace them."

Roma finished a disappointing sixth place in Serie A last season, failing to qualify for the Europa League.